
Roald Mandelstam
Poems Anthology


This edition is the most complete collection of works by Roald Mandelstam (1932-1961), the founder of the post-war uncensored literature, the first poet who became known exclusively through samizdat. Roald Mandelstam, as well as his friends-artists (A. Arefyev, R. Vasmi, V. Gromov, R. Gudzenko, L. Titov, A. Traugot, V. Shagin, S. Schwartz), belongs to the generation of post-war children who built their art and worldview on the ruins of civilization, who felt themselves both savages and heirs of the Silver Age. The poems of Roald Mandelstam are based on the stylization of Blok, Gumilev, Khlebnikov and break into the expressionistic world of post-siege Leningrad, full of fear and hidden delight. The publication is supplemented by previously unpublished poems and drawings of the poet.

ISBN 978-5-89059- 398-6