About the Publishing House
Ivan Limbakh Publishers are oriented on publishing books pertaining to the humanities with high level of scientific and editorial preparation and high polygraphic performance. The publishing house was founded on the 2nd of August, 1995. Its first publication "The Announced" by Andrew Bitov was voted the best book of the year by the results of competition "Petersburg Book - 1995" while the novel itself was awarded by literary prize "North Palmira".
Moving through its own way, e. g. avoiding obviously commercial projects, obtrusive serials, particularly highbrow publications, etc., the Ivan Limbakh Publishing House succeeded to occupy its own place in mixed palette of Russian book market during the last 5 years. The books issue by Publishing House became the noticeable event of cultural, literary and art life. They are notable for both thought-out and unexpected design and editorial approach.
For its outstanding contribution to Petersburg book publishing the Ivan Limbakh Publishing House was awarded by prize "North Palmira" in 1999.
The general principles of our publishing strategy are supporting and developing of the best traditions of national book business: the enlightenment, the respect for a word, for Russian end Europe culture, the attention to the creative initiatives, the readiness for collaboration with everyone who likes, appreciates and understands the book.
Send e-mail limbakh@limbakh.ru
The first award gained by the Publishing House.
First major of St.Petersburg Anatoly Sobchak presents the Diploma to Ivan Limbakh