
Johan Huizinga
The Shades of Tomorrow. The Man and The Culture. The Blacked Out World: the Essay


The book includes sociocultural works of outstanding Netherlands historian Johan Huizinga (1872–1945). In an essay The Shades of Tomorrow the reasons and possible consequences of a western civilization spiritual impoverishment on the threshold of approaching accident — the Second World War — are investigated. Article The Man and The Culture proves indissoluble unity of these concepts. In an essay The Blacked Out World contains the short historical and cultural analysis of centuries-old Europe life events, and on its basis expresses the forecast on culture revival during the post-war period. The J.Huizinga's works are distinguished by depth and high humanism, they proclaim and defend invariable value of spiritual freedom.
The book is intended either to the experts — historians, philosophers, culturologists, — or to a wide range of intelligent readers.

ISBN 978-5-89059-291-0