
Johan Huizinga
Culture of the Netherlands in a XVII-th century. Ersmus. The selected letters. Drawings


The book finishes begun by issue of Autumn of the Middle Ages (1988) and continued then with Homo ludens / the Person playing (1997) edition of the basic products of outstanding Netherlands scientist Johan Huizinga (1872–1945).
The essay Culture of the Netherlands in a XVII century is devoted to the analysis of the reasons and features of the Netherlands culture of "Golden Age". The monography Erazm opens the difficult and inconsistent person of the great Rotterdamtz, one of masters of thoughts of an epoch of Humanism. In J.Huizinga's letters he appears at us widely formed, bright and versatile person, betrayed scientific and to a moral imperative up to the end. His art talents are shown in verses and drawings.
Transl., forming, pref. by D.Silvestrov. Commentary by D.Haritonovich.

ISBN 978-5-89059-128-9